Tribes And Tribals

Have you ever heard of tribes? In India, there are different tribal groups across the subcontinent and the tribals or the people of the tribe are also known as Adivasi.

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Where Did Tribals Reside?

Most tribes are concentrated in heavily forested areas that combine inaccessibility with limited political or economic significance. Historically, the economy of most tribes was subsistence agriculture or hunting and gathering.

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Hurdles And Achievements

One aspect where they achieved most of their recognition despite the lack of education was their creativity and skills in recreational activities like art, music, and dance.

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Elements Of Tribal Art

Since they lived in remote areas, in the early stages, what was all time present to them was wood, rock, leaves, flowers, and other stuff which they used to create things.

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Nature- The Essence Of Tribal Art

Although the products created by them lacked finishing over time, they grabbed they polished their art with the availability of resources and practice, but they never left the essence of the art.

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Modern Art VS Tribal Art

Today, you may have an eye to gaze at modern art and interpret various messages out of them, but one can never leave a tribal art or artifact unnoticed.

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