Metal Door Knocker

Metal Door Knockers are the accessories of a door that lets the people living inside an area know about somebody trying to come in but knocking through the knocker before entering, which makes a sound and allows the residents to know about the presence.

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Metal Door Knockers

Metal door knockers or vintage door knockers were the most preferred by the USA during the early 20th century, which created an increase in the production and forging of these door knockers further more than before.

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Metal Door Knockers

Metal Door knockers have two parts; one is the part which is attached to a door using a hinge, and the second is the plate which is fitted to the door that makes the noise while knocking. THe knocking sound is far better than the buzzing of the door bell.

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Metal Door Knockers

Metal Door knockers have beautiful figurines on them, which makes them charming and aesthetically pleasing to look at. The advantage of door knockers is that they can be used as an item of decoration when you feel that your exterior is missing something.

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Metal Door Knockers

Do you know a pineapple installed on a door symbolises the greeting of welcome? In Hawaii and the South U.S., people display this prickly fruit demonstrating their willingness to serve. Pineapples also show goodwill to passersby when put up at homes.

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Metal Door Knockers

Did you know? The door knockers used to have faces like dogs, gargoyles and lions as they tended to believe to ward off the evil spirits and negative or toxic vibes from the gate itself. The faces were also made gruesome to protect from evil eye.

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Metal Door Knockers

Did you know that the history of knocking the doors started in Ancient Greece several thousand years ago? The Greeks were picky about people coming to their homes unannounced, and it was considered a breach of etiquette to enter without warning.

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