How to Clean and Take Care of Your Conch Shell (Shankh)

How to Clean and Take Care of Your Conch Shell (Shankh)

A sacred Hindu emblem and spiritual object known as the shankh, or conch, is employed in several rituals and celebrations. It is a trumpet made from the sea snail's shell, which produces a rich, resonant sound. It is thought to stand for innocence, divinity, and the sound of creation. Hinduism places a high faith in the Shankh, which is employed in several religious rituals. It is thought to cleanse the surroundings and the psyche, fend against harmful energies, and promote good vibes. Additionally, it is used in several rituals and ceremonies to call forth gods and commemorate auspicious occasions.

To keep conch shell pure and holy, it's crucial to clean and maintain it. Proper maintenance ensures its longevity and efficacy in spiritual practice. It avoids the accumulation of dirt, debris, and bacteria that could degrade it. An adequately maintained Shankh can increase its good vibes and advantages during spiritual practices.

Ways to Clean Conch Shell

Conch shells must be cleaned and maintained to keep their sanctity and usefulness in spiritual practises. The steps to maintaining and cleaning a Shankh are as follows -

To remove dirt or debris on the surface, rinse the Shankh with clean water.

After that, soak Shankh for 10 to 15 minutes in warm water and mild soap. You can also use vinegar or lemon juice instead of soap for a natural cleaning approach.


Scrub the inside and outside of the Shankh with a soft-bristled brush or cloth, paying close attention to the ridges and curves.

Clean off the Shankh entirely with clean water before patting it dry.

Before storing the Shankh, let it completely dry out in the air.

After washing, smear the Shankh's surface with a thin layer of oil, like coconut or sesame oil, to keep it from drying out and breaking. To evenly distribute the oil, use a soft cloth.

Keep the Shankh in a clean, dry, and revered spot, such as an altar or a chamber used for worship. Avoid keeping it in moist or humid environments.

Avoid exposing the Shankh to heat and sunshine, which may cause it to fade or crack.

Keep the Shankh away from harsh chemicals, scented products, and other things that could compromise its sacredness and purity.

Check the Shankh frequently for any indications of deterioration, such as cracks or discolouration, and get professional assistance if required.

Following these instructions, you can keep your Shankh clean and preserve its potency during spiritual practises. Because Shankh is regarded as a sacred object in Hinduism, it must be treated with respect and care.


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