Copper Jugs vs Plastic: Which is Better for the Environment?

Copper Jugs vs Plastic: Which is Better for the Environment?

Climate change is on a prominent rise; there is a surge of pollution in the atmosphere. These changes and rises in pollution and climate change are due to human actions, behaviours and lifestyles. We are polluting this earth with our actions and routes; in the quest for comfort, we buy vehicles, refrigerators, air conditioners, other material items, and other activities. In these actions and items, whether some are necessary and others can be changed and replaced for better alternatives.

For daily sustenance, we use a lot of utensils and other products that are not good for the earth's health or individual health. In this article, we will discuss tiny utensils, the material they are made of, and their effect on the human body and environment.

Copper Jugs vs Plastic Jugs

Jugs are highly functional and equally beautiful pieces that can elevate the charm of a coffee table. Still, their formation and material also play a part in maintaining the beauty and health of an individual.


  • Copper is extracted from nature and reused and recycled, while plastic can be reused. Still, the moulding of plastic that emits hazardous greenhouse gases is highly responsible for climate change.
  • Copper utensils are highly durable and non-fragile, which keeps them in use for a more extended period. At the same time, plastic jugs are less durable and more fragile than copper, which again leads to the production of harmful gases in the environment.
  • Plastic jugs are made from synthetic materials, which require a complex process and often have a toxic environmental effect. At the same time, copper is a non-renewable material that occurs and is mined from the earth, which requires just moulding while making jugs, thereby imparting less toxic chemicals.
  • Copper, when not in use, can be moulded into different products, while plastic waste life extends up to years, radiating harmful pollutants into the environment.

For Further Reading :A Beginner's Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Vintage Water Pots

A Beginner's Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Vintage Water Pots

These are some of the impacts of plastic and copper on the environment, so choose wisely among them. Moreover, copper utensils are recommended while having hot beverages rather than plastic. If you are searching for copper utensils, you can jump on to the page of IndianShelf for purchase and further readings.


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