The Spiritual Significance of Conch Shell (Shankh) in Hinduism

Deepak Yadav 04 May, 2023

Spirituality is a practice which humans do to maintain peace and enlightenment in life. As per known teachings and practises, they are several instruments to attain this level, like meditation bowl and shank.

India and Hinduism have always been places of spirituality, peace, culture and heritage. As we all know, Hinduism is the oldest surviving culture and civilisation that has enlightened people, countries and cultures and has profoundly impacted the way of living and mental understanding towards people. There are several ways to attain spirituality, be it meditation, prayers and guidance of a guru, along with several instruments involved like meditation bowls, jap mala and other devices. One of the spiritually aligned instruments is the conch shell or popularly known as a shankh has a high spiritual significance.

What is Conch Shell(Shankh)?

Shankh or conch shells are found in nature, especially in the ocean, but nowadays, they are moulded from various metals and beautifully carved to give an exemplary structure of conch shells. These shells are marine snails or Turbinella Pyrium primarily found in Indian Oceans. Turbinella Pyrium, post obtaining from the ocean, is carved, cleaned and transformed into a beautiful conch shell.

Spiritual Significance of Conch Shell

If we analyse the statue of Lord Vishnu, he is seen holding a chakra in one hand and shankha in the other. It is significant to know that Shankha has a divine and purifying aura, so it also acts as an emblem in the hands of Lord Vishnu, signifying purity and auspiciousness. Moreover, it was also used in wars as a trumpet to initiate or halt the fight.

Spiritually, Shanks are a tool associated with longevity, good luck, fame and prosperity. As per Hindu text, it creates a cleansing aura and vibe while worshipping or commencing any spiritual practice or initiation of any holy work. It is also known as a tool to ward off the negative aura.

Buddhism also gives religious importance to the conch shells as it marks the shank as the eighth symbol of Buddhism while representing the teaching of Buddha. Moreover, the sound produced by conch shells is known to awaken people from ignorance.

Jainism has also provided a special place in their culture and heritage, symbolising the sound of the world, purity of the universe and detachment of materialistic desires.

Overall, the Conch shell or Shankh has a spiritual impact on the body and surrounding cleansing aura, purifying ambience and shedding off worldly desires and negativity.