Minimalism - An art movement

Deepak Yadav 20 March, 2023

As humans of this modern world, with the bombardment of thoughts and things, we are never complete and satisfied. We are buying stuff we do not need and overcrowding our areas and spaces.

As beautifully and impactfully said and shown in the movie “Fight Club”, “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.” Just look around yourself and your living space, and you will be amazed at how we compulsively buy things instead of needed pieces.

History of Minimalism

Following world war II, minimalism was initiated as an art movement in western countries during the 1960s and 70s. The leading figures of that movement were Donald Judd, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Carl Andre, Robert Morris, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella, attacking the modernisation of visual art and music. In interior designing and living standards, minimalism emerged when Marie Kondo’s “Kon Mari method” was substantially celebrated and incorporated into houses and living. However, In this method, things should be organised and kept for a productive living.

Step-by-Step Guide to Minimalism

Minimalism usually advocates that “Less is more”; in this method, the core principle is that we must discard the things that are not needed for sustainable living and abandon compulsive buying leading to more mindful living and purchases.

Here are some of the ways to implement and incorporate minimalism in your life -

These steps will lead you to live an intentional and mindful life while keeping your surroundings arranged and productive. As per “Jia Tolentino”, The mantra of “less is more” still obeys a logic of accumulation—but it hints at genuinely different ways of thinking, so do not be rigid with things, be flexible and keep things to simplify your living.