Door Handle Maintenance: Tips for Keeping Your Handles in Top Condition

Deepak Yadav 10 May, 2023

Door handles are a handy and equally charming item that needs cleaning and maintenance at regular intervals to prevent the accumulation of dust, debris and tarnish.

Door handles are utilitarian tools that provide easy access to a house, room and other spaces. These handles make the home and areas a comfortable place to be while providing an easy passage to different parts, indirectly helping us to lead a productive and easy life. However, door handles are made from different materials like bronze, metals, ceramics, wood and other materials, giving them unique shades. They vary in different colours, shapes and sizes, and each feature adds to the design, texture and aesthetics of the house and door.

Though these tools provide charm and functionality in the house, if not taken care of can lose shine and texture, so proper care and maintenance should be taken.

Tips for Maintaining door handles

The quality and maintenance of door handles widely depend on the material used in the making, as metal-made handles are rough and tough in use, while glass and leather-made handles should be cleaned cautiously.

Here are some tips for maintaining door handles -

Initially, use a cotton cloth to dust off the accumulated dust from door handles.

Following the dusting of the handle, mix water and cleansing agent or dish soap in a proper proportion and clean the stubborn dust and tarnish from the handles.

Take a dry cloth and dry the handle covering the whole body of the handles carefully.

In the end, take wax or polish to give the handles a glossy finish and texture.

These are ways to maintain the beauty, shine, texture and aesthetics of door handles to maintain the functionality and charm of houses and doors. 

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How often do you need to clean your door handles?

The beauty and grace of door handles can also depend on the maintenance and cleaning period and range. Cleaning handles too often may leave an ugly mark and abrasion. To counteract these marks, you can usually clean door handles within a period of 14-28 days while you can do the dusting daily.

For Further Reading : A Beginner's Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Vintage Water Pots

Overall, door handles are highly functional and aesthetic pieces that need cleaning to maintain shine and texture. Try using premium-quality dish soap to remove stubborn debris and tarnish without any side effects or marks on the handles.